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Universidad de Georgetown

Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos de América

Educación Jurídica Continuada en Vivo – Serie Cátedra Abierta


Portafolio y LexBase, a través del Blog Jurídico, se complacen en anunciar los próximos cursos abiertos gratuitos online que estará realizando la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Georgetown


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First Things to Know about Drafting a Contract in English

August 18 at 5 p.m. Washington, D.C. time. – 4PM hora Colombia


John Rooney is a partner at Shutts & Bowen Law Firm in Miami, Florida.  He serves as an adjunct faculty member at the Universities of Miami and Loyola (New Orleans) law schools.  Mr. Rooney is fluent in Spanish and Portuguese and is an active panelist for commercial arbitrations throughout the Americas.  He can often be found throughout Latin America working with clients or fulfilling his duties as chair of the International Arbitration Law Committee of the Inter-American Bar Association.  Mr. Rooney is a graduate of the University of Texas with a Juris Doctor and a Master of Arts in Government.



In this course participants will learn to apply the principles of Common Law contract law to the planning, development, and interpretation of written agreements that accomplish a client’s objectives. Primary emphasis will be given to understanding contractual language, the acquisition of contract interpretation skills as well as the fundamentals of legal drafting and the integration of substantive law.  The course will focus on the structuring of contracts and will review common clauses, as well as the negotiation of contact terms. 




Four Keys to Improving Your Writing in English

August 24, at 5 p.m. Washington, D.C. time.  4 pm Hora Colombia


Debra S. Lee has been teaching Legal English and legal writing courses at several prestigious U.S. law schools for nearly 15 years.  She regularly leads workshops and seminars for law schools in Europe and has been recognized as an English as a Second Language (ESL) expert by the U.S. State Department.  She is a co-author of American Legal English, one of the leading textbooks in the field.  Ms. Lee is the president of Language 4 Law, Inc., an organization which develops online tools to assist lawyers improve English language skills.  She is a graduate of the University of Tennessee Law School, and is currently pursuing her doctorate in education technology at the same institution.



The Advanced Legal Writing course engages participants in advanced exercises in legal writing, including objective and persuasive writing, such as opinion and demand letters, client email, and internal memoranda. The goal of the course is to deepen a participant’s command of the writing process and to expand their ability to develop, structure, and write grammatically correct legal texts for a variety of writing purposes and audiences. Writing practice is basic to writing improvement, so participants should expect to have written assignments to prepare prior to class sessions. Additionally, another key to improving writing skills involves reading the writing of others to offer a careful response to the text, so you can expect to do peer reviews of participant writing, as well as analyze written documents from the United States.  Plain English rules will be explained and followed during the course.  The Advanced Legal Writing course assumes an upper intermediate to advanced level of English.


Estos cursos gratuitos son seguidos por cursos de ocho (8) semanas. Los participantes de estos cursos pagos contarán con un certificado de asistencia de la Universidad .El valor por curso es de US  $ 1.200 y los usuarios de LexBase tienen un descuento del 10 %


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