Legal English- Curso de Georgetown Law CLE. Comienza mañana 29 de marzo 2010
Profesores: Debra Lee y Kit Williams
Curso no-presencial, desde marzo 29 hasta mayo 24, de 5-8 p.m. hora de Washington, 4-7 p.m. hora de Colombia.
Total horas: 24
Se otorga Certificado de Asistencia
English legal vocabulary is a language unto itself. In this course the learners will acquire and strengthen their skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking Legal English with special emphasis on terminology commonly used in statutory language, judicial rulings, contracts, legal codes, and memoranda. The participants will be introduced to the use of plain language for specialized legal settings and will benefit from the completion of regular assignments and language exercises.
Costo: USD$1,200 por persona. Descuentos para usuarios de LexBase.