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What is an F1 Visa?

There are some exceptions, but in general, anyone who intends to stay in the U.S. to study or live must obtain either a temporary visa or an immigrant visa issued by the U.S. Department of State. If you wish to study in the U.S. you will normally be issued a non-immigrant visa called an F1 (F2 for dependents) and can choose to attend one of the types of schools listed above.

How to obtain an F1 visa?

The F1 visa process is relatively simple, but it can be time consuming, a good advice would be to hire an F1 visa lawyer, because they are experts in this matter and the process will develop smoothly. It is important to begin this process as soon as possible to ensure that any delays will not affect your education. Perhaps one of the most extensive steps to becoming an international student may be applying to a U.S. school that has been approved by the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP). It is also important to keep in mind that while there are many good institutions across the country, not all are equipped to handle international students and the administration that this requires, so it is important to verify that the school you would like to attend is approved well before filling out any applications, writing any essays or providing references.

After receiving acceptance by the school of your choice, you will be officially enrolled in the SEVP and will be required to pay a one-time application fee. After all fees have been paid and your account is in good standing, your institution or educational program will provide you with what is known as an «I-20» form. This form will allow you to schedule an interview appointment with the U.S. embassy or consulate in your country to be granted an F1 visa and officially become an international student!

Working on an F1 visa

Note that dependents of an F-1 visa holder – those with an F-2 visa – are not eligible for employment.
It is essential to remember that F1 visas are intended for full-time students and are not designed as work visas. With this in mind, international students are usually able to work 20 hours a week on campus when school is in session and full-time when school is in recess, but you may need to first seek approval from the Department of Homeland Security and the International Office at your school. Working illegally on an F1 visa is a serious violation of regulations and could result in deportation.

In addition, F1 visa holders are eligible to apply for permission to work outside of school for up to 12 months. This permission is called Optional Practical Training (OPT) and allows F1 students to train, and therefore work, in a field that is related to their field of study. For more information, be sure to contact an international student advisor at your school, but OPT is traditionally used in the following situations:

  • Part-time work during the student’s F-1 studies.
  • Full-time work during break periods; or
  • After graduation in a field related to the program of study.


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